Warrens Street

Warrens Street

Warrens Street


The Shed

When we first started working on this shed it had bad water damage, the outside walls and in the interior drywall was in very poor condition and in dire need of replacing. The job included removing the entire exterior and interior walls and replacing majority of the support beams.

The Bathroom

This job included replacing the piping in the bathroom, replacing the toilet, shower head, sink and cabinet. We also painted the walls and put down tile.

Room #1

This job included painting the walls bright yellow, to give the room a vibrant look. We also put down wood floors and siding. Lastly we replaced the window curtains.

Room #2

This job included painting the walls bright yellow, to give the room a vibrant look. We also put down wood floors and siding. Lastly we replaced the window curtains.

The Kitchen

This job included painting the walls, and replacing the kitchen piping. We also put down tile floors and siding. We replaced the window blinds with new ones. We also added two new cabinets as seen on the photos.